Tuesday, June 22, 2010

who says one can’t live in a bubble?

NOT my mom.

(copyrighted image)

Where do you live?

Inches or meters, nothing but heaters.
I live in my head;
They say I’m not dead.

Opening and closing doors from hollow empty cores.
I live in a daze;
They say it’s a phase.

Stoned to trippy polka dots, and unaware of life’s shots.
I live in a bubble;
They say denial’s trouble.

As we blindly keep heading, absolut numb treading.
I live in a time;
They say it’s not my prime.

A wired world of tired houses curled.
I live in a land;
They say without a helping hand.

With circular windows here and there, just for a breath of fresh air.
I live in a planet;
They say its existence isn’t set.

Walking and talking to the folds in my umbrella.
I live in my own space;
They say aliens’ aren’t a new race.

Sheltered sides, doesn’t mean happiness rides.
I live in a universe;
They say nothing’s more perverse.


(copyrighted image)