Tuesday, September 29, 2009

who are you today ?

(copyrighted image)


masking our way through.
zombie, zombie; me, you.
living but yet dead inside.
we have no rules to abide.

we are hiding our face;
owning anew self race.

strap on a corset!
are you ready, set?

who you trying to scare?
you cannot know, or bare.
i won't tell - won't share;
to hide everything i care.
radiating the mask's glare.

starting a reputation;
grab the complication.

the hands we see holding ribs;
digging, strangling til the nibs.

criss, cross. jailed bars.
we are living below pars.
black pain, covered tar.
its who we be, who we are.

can't you see? lifes a play;
it is halloween everyday.
we all wear a mask; in fact.
we don't blend in the pact.

if you can tear my mask out,
you'll know what i'm about
you'll see my tired veins;
know what you can't attain.


Monday, September 28, 2009

minimalism, deadness . (part two)

from pus-eye.blogspot.com
you'll never have felt so alive before, dripping in dead meat.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

minimalism, deadness . (part one)

Terence Koh
new minimalism;
wear your guts on the outside .
arise, awoke; dead
on the outside, sorry
inside outside, guts
clamming, clinging, your brain?
the inside always reflects the outside .
the outside is your inside
dead and nude, perfect harmony, perfect naturalism.

ta-tap-ta-tap-ta-ta-ta-tap .

(copyrighted image)


whap who?
wrap you

i am a moth
nocturnal insect
a journal's disect

bump bump
got a lump
pump pump
you are dump

on the top
head drop
weight hate
burden late

wrap yourself
slumped self
and in layers
with prayers
we be slayers

stay far away
from affray
in a corner
no mourner


"beauty", aka grotesque sex appeal .

from purplediary
a blank canvas of ideal structure .
she's so perfect

she could be anybody
when nothing is filled in

Thursday, September 24, 2009

sheer shirt with nipple piercing.
right side; keep away from the heart.
trade the stud for a safety pin.

new minimalism, new punk ideal.
no sense in overdoing it.